Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Dear Santa...

Christmas Wish List

Christmas is coming and, as usual, I am buzzing with excitement!! If I had my way, I would start the count down in September (I do in my head), but unfortunately that does seem to rather irritate those around me. Therefore, as I thought it might be a tad early to fill the Li'l Sparrow with Christmas mania, I wanted to get the season started instead by compiling my Christmas list. Here's a taster of the things that I will be asking Santa very nicely for this Christmas...

This fresh, floral scent is one of my all time favourites. I see it everywhere I go, whether I'm shopping or blogging, and there's a reason for that. It's a gorgeous smelling classic of which I simply can't get enough.

I've mentioned Lily Flame candles before on The Li'l Sparrow as they are my favourite scented candle brand. I've not yet found one that I don't like out of their beautiful collection and 'Fairy Dust' comes top of my list with its gorgeous warm, comforting scent. For those of you who love a Christmas candle (who doesn't??) Lily Flame also do a great seasonal range including 'Snow Fall', 'Christmas Pudding', 'Christmas Spice', 'Silent Night', 'Cranberry Crush', 'Comfort and Joy', ... honestly, the list goes on...

I got this perfume from Rob last Christmas and I am totally addicted. If you're looking for a delicious, feminine scent I would absolutely recommend D&G's 'Pour Femme'. Although it's not cheap, it has become my go to perfume and, with hints of marshmallow, raspberry and vanilla, I would quite happily sit smelling this gorgeous scent all day. 

Need I say more really? Like a lot of people, I'm a huge Alexa Chung fan and would be so happy to live in her closet forever more if it was socially acceptable. Unfortunately it's not, so I'll just have to make do with reading her beautiful book instead.

I've actually had this dress in my ASOS basket for months now, with some vague notion that if I wait just a bit longer, I might be able to justify spending the money on it becasue it's soo darn pretty. Unfortunately, that justification never came, but fortunately Christmas is nearly here AND it's been reduced! Bingo!

Just like everyone else, I was swept along with Gatsby fever this summer. However, I do feel utterly ashamed that I've never actually read the book. That's definitely something that I need to remedy. 

How adorable are these? I got some Accessorize bootie slippers a few years ago for Christmas and they barely came off my feet from that moment onwards. Sadly that did take its toll a little and I had to get rid of them for health and safety reasons, but then I saw these seriously cute 'Granny Boots' (as Accessorize are calling them). Toasty tootsies here I come!

I spotted this bag about a month and a half ago whilst out shopping and it's been top of my wish list since. This was then intensified when my big, black Primark handbag that I used nearly every day for Uni broke beyond repair. This Zara bag is quite large and is therefore perfect for fitting your books and a laptop in for those long days in the library or when you're heading to work. It also has a long strap so that you can wear it over your shoulder when your arm gets too tired and at £30 I think it's not badly priced either.

Now, I know that there is no point in lecturing you all on the wonders of Liz Earle because, unless you've been living under a rock, you will have heard it all before. All I'm going to say is that I've used these two products since I was seventeen and it's a true love relationship. I have had brief periods where, mainly for financial reasons, I've tried other face products but nothing has ever come close. Unfortunately, these wonderful products do come with a pretty painful price tag and so every year they're always top of my Christmas list.

I hope that you've enjoyed seeing what's on my Christmas wish list. I'd love to know what you'll be asking for this Christmas.

Essie x


  1. Oooh lovely Christmas list - hope you've been a good girl!
    Liz Earle is always on every single list that I make, Christmas or otherwise!!
    M x Life Outside London

  2. Lily Flame are one of my favourite brands of candle. The different scents are amazing and can properly fill a big room in minutes with the scent. They are definitely on my Christmas list too!


    1. Aren't they just! I love their names too. They're so different but really sum up how each one smells xx

  3. Oh what a great wishlist! I want everything haha... I've never tried anything from Liz Earle, so that set looks like an ideal starter set xx

    Gemma // missmakeupmagpie.com

    1. Oh you should!! I'm sure they do a starter kit which is a great one to get if your starting out and has everything in miniature so you can try it all xx

  4. I love the book design for the great gatsby! need it!

    lucy xx

  5. The slippers and so beautiful and cozy!!! Also I wanted to say that you are very beautiful!!! xx

    1. Ah Anastasia you're so lovely, thank you :) xx

  6. This is a perfect wishlist! I want it all. I might start with getting a fairy dust candle. Just adore your blog and taste x

    1. Thank you Christina :) The candle's a very good choice! xx

  7. The handbag is perfect! I want a handbag for christmas too, but was yet to find one I liked. But now, thank to you, I think I've found it! xx
