So, I've got a slightly different post for you all today. A while back the lovely Em from Mascara Warrior tagged me in her Liebster award post which got me SO excited. I always love to read other people’s tag
posts because I think that it’s such a great way to get to know other bloggers, but I never dreamed that someone would tag my li'l baby blog. I especially like this tag, which has been circulating for a while now, as it's specifically aimed at newbies. I hope you find it interesting and not too rambly, and please check out the blogs that I have tagged!
Here are the rules:
Here are the rules:
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
- Answer the eleven questions from the person who nominated you.
- Write down eleven more questions.
- Nominate eleven more bloggers that have less than 200 followers. (I've gone on Bloglovin followers as that's what I use)
- Let the bloggers you've chosen know about it.
So, without any more ado, here are the questions from Em:
1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
There are SO many places that I would love to go to! I’d say top of my
list to travel to would be South East Asia because it's meant to be so beautiful but not bank breaking (relitively speaking). In terms of a holiday however, I would probably have to choose Tuscany in Italy because it’s just stunning. Or I would love to go back to New Zealand and Australia if money was no object. Ahh, just too many amazing places in the world!!
2. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
think that I have a bit of both in me, but when I asked Rob he answered 'extrovert' immediately. So I suppose I should go with extrovert…
3. What
are some interests of yours besides beauty and makeup?
goodness I have quite a few. I spend nearly every minute of the day at
Uni doing
'drama-ry things', which I'm aware is very vague but if I start talking
about it all then I'll probably never stop. I love making and watching
theatre, singing, dancing, crafty things... I could go on but I won't.
4. You woke up late and have five minutes to do your makeup! What do you reach for?
well in reality I’d probably just be late but I suppose that doesn’t really
answer the question, so I’d say my Collection 2000 concealer and some mascara.
I'd tie my hair up, which is something that I’ve only been able to do pretty recently as it’s been too
short for so long (it’s still an exciting novelty!) throw on a comfy jumper and
leggings or jeans and run out the door like a maniac!
5. What's
your favorite type of clothing or accessory?
to oversized, second hand jumpers like a magpie to shiny things. I
realised the other
day that I don’t actually own a jumper that I’ve bought new. Oops? I
also love
frilly socks. I’ve kind of missed wearing them
over the summer and can’t wait to start putting them with EVERYTHING
now Autumn's arriving.
6. What's the last thing that you genuinely laughed at?
My brother got married this weekend and it was the most wonderful,
happy occasion. I did a lot of smiling and laughing with my family, but
the speeches were what got me going properly. Nothing beats a good
wedding speech, especially when they're taking the mick out of my big
7. What's
your favourite book, movie, song, or television show?
this is where I reveal the geeky side of me. I could go on about all of
classics that I adore (and there are a lot, I promise!) but deep down
I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. Like, HUGE. In terms of music, I'm currently
obsessed with Bastille and Of Monsters and Men, as well as being a true
Adele and Emeli Sande fan. And if I start listing my favourite films and
TV shows we'll be here till Christmas!!
8. What
skill do you wish you had, or one you wish you could do better?
wish I was good with a sewing machine. I have so many items of clothing
that I would love to alter, but I just don't have the skills (or a
sewing machine for that matter...)
9. If
you could speak any language fluently, what would it be and why?
probably say French, because I was so rubbish at it at school. Then
I could be in French movies with lovely French actors... hmmm... I'll keep dreaming...
10. Name
something off of the top of your bucket list.
To run the London Marathon.
11. What
do you usually do when you want to have fun?
totally depends. Everything that I do keeping busy at Uni is for fun
(although sometimes I have to remind myself that when I'm feeling a tad
stressed). I love every minute that I spend with my friends, a
good family get together and, of course, spending time with Rob comes top
of the list!
And here are my questions to the following lovely ladies:
Sophie from That's What Sophie Said
Melissa from Melissa Loves This
Daisy from I Am Daisy Alice
Mollie from What Mollie Did
Lisa from Damn Precious
Millie from Smudges of Thoughts
Beckie from Belle et Beaut
Rachael from Rachaeleeno
Emily from Freckles and Flaws
Lottie from Huckleberry Friend
Bec and Amy from Beautibop
1. What do you love most about blogging?
2. What would be your number one beauty tip?
2. What would be your number one beauty tip?
3. Describe your perfect place to live.
4. If you had to go back to a period in history, when would you choose and why?
5. What's your favourite season?
4. If you had to go back to a period in history, when would you choose and why?
5. What's your favourite season?
6. Shoes or handbags?
7. What would be your perfect way to spend a weekend?
8. Is there anything that you would like to achieve before the end of the year?
9. Who's the blogger that you most look up to?
10. Who do you most look up to outside of the blogging world?
11. And here's the mean question; describe yourself if five words (sorry) :)
8. Is there anything that you would like to achieve before the end of the year?
9. Who's the blogger that you most look up to?
10. Who do you most look up to outside of the blogging world?
11. And here's the mean question; describe yourself if five words (sorry) :)
Essie x
Thank you Essie! I've already done a Leibster Award post but why not answer the questions here instead? haha.
ReplyDelete1. I think my favourite thing about blogging is being able to personalise it completely, it's my own little space to talk about whatever I want, whenever I want and I know(hope, haha!) someone, somewhere will read it!
2. This is hard to think of on the spot, I guess getting your skincare right is the most important thing, once you have good skincare, make-up should be easy! :)
3. As in House or Country?! My pinterest Home & Decor board is my idea of a perfect place to live right now & I'm obsessing over white decor!
4. I'm not too big on history, eek! I think I'd go back to the 50/60's, I really love the music and everything about that time.
5. Winter! I'm not a big fan of summer at all! I love wrapping up warm, coats, jumpers, scarfs...
6. At the moment I'd say shoes!
7. If I could do anything I'd probably choose a weekend in London!
8. I'd like to have done some of my Resolutions! I'd be so happy if I reached 100 Followers and maybe have lost 1st!
9. I love Rebecca from From Roses, her blog is immaculate and I always stop by there! I'd be a happy girl if my blog was anything like hers!
10. I've always had a love for Marilyn Monroe as cliché as it sounds, so probably her.
11. Aaah mean question! :( Hm, Friendly, Bubbly, Shy(!), Creative and... Helpful. (I think!) Haha.
Those were really good questions & Thank you for nominating me :) In reply to your comment on my blog, definitely feel free to come to me for help with your header, i'll try and help as much as possible :)
Belle et Beaut | UK Beauty and Lifestyle blog
Longest comment ever, eek, sorry!!
DeleteOh thanks Beckie!! I had a feeling that might happen at least once. I did try and check but it's been circulating for so long now hasn't it? But thank you for answering my questions :) It's so lovely to here more about you! I totally agree with you about Rebecca from From Roses, she's definitely my favourite blogger too xxx
DeleteLove this post, Essie!! I agree, it really helps you get to know a blogger more personally, and I love your answers. I can empathise HUGELY with the whole second hand jumper thing - you are a girl after my own heart! Nothing is making me more excited for Autumn than the prospect of a menswear jumper, soft black leggings and a mug of tea. Ohhhhh. So nice!
Oh I SO agree Flora! You've painted a great picture there! I've already put some money aside for when I go back up to Sheffield becasue they've got some great places for second hand jumpers there. I'm excited just thinking about it :) haha xxx
Delete(although saying that, shock horror I don't actually drink tea... I think I should probably keep that quiet in the blogging world, it's almost like blasphemy! :p) xxx
DeleteLOVED your answers lovely, you seem so sweet! <3 I also wish I could properly use a sewing machine, I keep seeing fab pieces that I want to recreate but sadly I can't :(
ReplyDeleteAndrea | RosyChicc ❤
Love your answers. I did one of these posts ages ago and feel bad when people keep nominating me as it looks a bit silly to do them twice.
ReplyDeleteCute photo as well :) ha.
Thank-you for nominating me! Really enjoyed reading your answers I'm also guiltily a big Harry Potter and over-sized jumper fan haha!
ReplyDeleteMillie x
It was great reading your answers! I really enjoyed it. :)
I loved reading your answers and that picture of you cracked me up :)
Thank you for nominating me. I have just done this blog post myself (and was just about to nominate you and noticed you'd done this post). I'm a regular reader of your blog, the posts always seem to be what I'm into at the time! (mind reader) :)
ReplyDeleteMelissa | MELISSA LOVES THIS